Welcome Everyone to the Gaming Adventures of the Wandering Sysadmin
My name is Adrian. I am a former High School Teacher, UNIX System Administrator, Hobby Gamer, and general all around ubergeek.
I have been considering starting this kind of online journal (sorry, I despise the term blog) for some time now. Some recent adventures prompted me to get off of my ass and just do it.
Several months ago I had the opportunity to move to Melbourne, Australia for work. This involved a major work shift for me, going from a software support position (which I have never really liked) to a professional services position. The insanity of this project is something that I will likely rant about in future posts.
Aside from work, the other major implication of this adventure is the impact that it has had on my gaming.
In the process of moving to the other end of the planet, there were some key decisions to be made.
First, the game collection had to be limited. It would not be possible to move the entire game collection (board, video, or RPG) Regarding video games, I left most of them behind, as my primary obsession has been on the board game front. Most of the physical copies of the RPG resources were left behind as well, as I have digital copies of virtually everything. That and I was not really looking to get into a new RPG group during my relatively short tenure (2 years) in OZ.
The Board Games were the real issue. The collection at the time of the move was pushing 400 items. I knew at the time that I wanted to move things that would actually get played. As such, I narrowed the collection down to my favorites, some of the kid's favorites, and some small games that travel well. All told I moved about 20% of the collection.
After the move, of course, the collection continued its growth rate (Damn you Kickstarter!). This is not inherently a bad thing, but it does create some storage headaches in my small apartment.
So, after that rambling introduction, here is my goal in all of this. I would like to have a record of this and future adventures. In addition I have resolved in the new year to get more use out of my extensive game collection. To that end, I resolve to play at least one game every day. I will endeavour to document many of these plays, especially if the fame is new or particularly interesting to me. Interlaced with these gaming posts will very likely be some of my personal ramblings on whatever subject that my be on my mind at the time (religion, politics, anime, scotch, food, etc.)
If any of that sounds even the slightest bit interesting, stay tuned. There is more coming.
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